Sunday evening the committees of GA began meeting. A special Bible Study was written for this GA and everyone has the opportunity to participate. There are 14 committees meeting until Tuesday evening. Mary Kay Glunt is on Middle East Issues and Jim Holt is on Theological Issues and Institutions. Each committee considers the overtures that pertain to their committee. This year there is a committee called The Way Forward which is dealing with the Foothills Overtures, which JCP concurred with in November, and other similar overtures that seek to change the way General Assembly operates. If you have a Twitter account, you can follow the work of the committees at #GA222. So far, one of the major decisions to come out of committee is the final approval for the Belhar Confession to become a part of our Book of Confessions. Another issue to be referred to the Assembly for final approval is fossil fuel divestment. For more information on what is currently happening, you can go to
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